Village Green Lawn Bowls Club By-Laws 2024 


The club shall be called "Village Green Bowls Club" (VGBC), hereinafter referred to as "The Club", with Green and Clubhouse located at 200 DeSoto Park Lane, Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. The official year of the club for all purposes shall be the calendar year.


A. The objectives of The Club shall be to promote, foster and safeguard the game of lawn bowling, while creating a friendly atmosphere among its members in Hot Springs Village, and with other clubs which seek to uphold the traditional standards of the game in Arkansas and the Mid-South.

B. The Club will enforce the rules and regulations entitled "Laws of the Sport of Bowls" as published by Bowls USA.


A. Membership in The Club is open to both property owners and non-property owners of Hot Springs Village and their immediate families (16 years of age or older), who have paid the required amenity fee to the POA.  

B. Participation in Leagues and Tournaments is open to any member in good standing (dues and amenity fees paid for the current period). Non-bowling guests may participate in the social aspects of the day. Potential members may open bowl 3 times before paying Club dues and POA amenity fees.

C. Members of The Club are expected to abide by the rules and regulations as mentioned above and to conduct themselves with the courtesy traditionally associated with the sport.

D. Should membership be suspended or terminated for any reason, a request to be reinstated must be accompanied by the payment of any dues owed and be approved by the Board.


A. The Board of Directors of The Club shall consist of between seven and ten members to be elected to a specific position at the Annual Meeting by a simple majority of The Club members in attendance, a quorum (see Article IX, section D) being present. Four Board Members shall constitute a quorum at Board Meetings.

B. Terms of Office. Board Members are elected to two-year terms.

C. The entire Board shall meet in January to set the agenda for the year’s activity: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Director, two League and Tournament Directors, a Social Director and, if nominated and elected, an At Large Director. 

D. Not later than October 15th, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of two members, neither of whom shall be a current Director. This Committee shall nominate a slate of members to be elected as Board Members at the Annual Meeting and serve the ensuing term. The slate shall be distributed electronically to all members not less than 30 days before the annual meeting. 

E. At the Annual Meeting, any member may nominate a member for the Board from the floor (including At Large Board Members).

F. If more than one candidate is nominated for any position, the voting shall be by secret ballot. Provisions for secret ballot shall be by the Secretary of the Club.

G. The Board of Directors may appoint a member to fill a vacancy on the Board and may also appoint an assistant to any officer (other than the President) who may be temporarily unable to serve. The assistant shall perform the duties for which he/she is appointed. If there is an At Large Board Member he/she shall be automatically used to fill any such vacancy. If the President can no longer serve, the Vice President shall assume the Presidency.


A. The President shall generally supervise and direct the affairs of The Club and shall preside at all meetings of The Club and the Board. He/She shall enforce, through the Board of Directors, rules and regulations of The Club. He/She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall execute, as approved by the Board, all contracts and other documents on behalf of The Club. The President may establish any committees deemed necessary.

B. The Vice President shall take the place of and discharge the duties of the President when the President is unable to perform those duties. The Vice President shall be responsible for recruitment and building of membership for The Club. He/She shall give new members the Lock Codes.

C. The Secretary shall make and keep full and correct minutes of all meetings. He/She shall conduct all correspondence and generally carry on the clerical work of The Club. The Secretary shall maintain the official Membership Roster of The Club and shall send updates to all Board Members in a timely mannerHe/She shall keep track of which Club members are current with Club dues and POA Amenity fees. He/she shall serve as the Parliamentarian of The Club, using Robert’s Rules of Order, a copy being provided by The Club. If the Secretary cannot fulfill this duty the Board may appoint any member in good standing to do so.

D. The Treasurer shall receive and deposit in The Club's account, in a Bank to be designated by the Board, all funds of The Club, i.e. Membership dues, kitchen and shed collections, and any other receipts provided to The Club. He/She shall pay the expenses of The Club that have been approved by the Board:  kitchen and shed supplies, and any other approved purchases. Board approved expenditures limited to $50 may be paid without additional Board approval. Purchases over $50 must be approved by a designated Board member. A signed receipt shall be required for all purchases to be reimbursed by The Club. Purchases greater than $100 must have two signatures on the receipt and Board approval. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized account of all financial transactions. The books and records shall, at all times, be open for inspection by any member of The Club. They shall be balanced and audited annually. At the Annual Meeting, the Treasurer shall deliver a detailed financial account of all transactions for the past year, together with The Club's current Assets and Liabilities.

E. The Media Director shall be responsible for all activities relating to advertising Club activities to the community via the Village Voice and/or other outlets. 

F. The Assistant Media Director shall work with the Media Director and be responsible for The Club Facebook page.

B. The President, Vice President, or any three other members of the Board, may call for and convene a meeting of the Board at any stated time by serving the Secretary a request in writing for such meeting and stating the business for which the meeting is called. The Secretary shall give due notice to all members of the Board.

C. Four Members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Board shall be held as business of The Club warrants, and at such meetings the President, Vice President, or Treasurer shall be in attendance. Board meetings need to be held quarterly at a minimum. The Secretary or his/her appointed substitute, shall to be in attendance to take minutes.

D. Votes taken electronically, between meetings, shall be reported and recorded in the minutes of the next Board meeting.

E. The Board shall adjudicate all complaints made in writing to the Secretary and their decision shall be conclusive and final.


A. The duties of each Standing Committee shall be such as the name indicatesWhen a Standing Committee is formed, its duties and activities shall be defined. The Chair of said committee shall notify the Board at the January meeting of any activity dates for the coming year.


A. All meetings of The Club shall be held at any place the Board may decide prior to calling each meeting.

B. The Annual Meeting shall be held on any day between December 1 and December 10. Tax & gratuity shall be added to the price each member and/or guest pays for their meal.

C. Special meetings at stated times may be called by the President or three Board members, provided the Secretary has been notified in writing of the reason for such meeting. The Secretary shall advise all members of The Club, electronically, of called meetings at least 15 days prior to each such meeting (except for meetings held for the purpose of amending the Bylaws, covered separately in Article XIV).

D. At meetings of membership one-third (1/3) of all members in good standing in attendance shall constitute a quorum.


The Order of Business at the Annual Meeting shall be:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the preceding Annual meeting. Minutes shall be printed out with a copy on each table for the Members to read.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Annual Report of the President, including correspondence
  4. Report of each Standing Committee Chairperson
  5. New and unfinished business
  6. Election of Directors for the ensuing term
  7. Questions and Answers
  8. Adjournment


Except as provided for in Articles IV and XIV, the process of voting may be determined in any manner adopted by the meeting. Matters shall be passed by a simple majority of those in attendance, a quorum (See Article IX, section D) being present. Only members may vote.


Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all procedures not specifically covered in these Bylaws. The Secretary shall serve as the Parliamentarian of The Club, using Robert’s Rules of Order, a copy being provided by The Club. If the Secretary cannot fulfill this duty the Board may appoint any member in good standing to do so.


Membership dues for each calendar year shall be payable by February 15 of each year. Membership dues shall be changed only by vote of Club members. Any such change shall be announced electronically to all members of the club. New members joining after June 30 shall be charged 1/2 the annual dues.


Bylaws may be amended only at a general meeting by the affirmative vote of the majority of those members in attendance, a quorum, (see Article IX, Section D), being present. Notice of any proposed amendment or change to the Bylaws shall be distributed electronically to members at least 30 days in advance of such meeting. The President shall call a general membership meeting by March 1 for the purpose of voting on any Bylaws revisions.


If for any reason it is determined that The Club can no longer continue its activities the Board or, if no Board exists, a group of members in good standing will dispose of the Club’s assets as follows:

  1. Any cash on hand will be dispersed to charitable organization(s) selected at the time of dissolution.
  2. All Bowls and bowling related equipment shall be offered to other clubs within our conference.


Revised: January 2024


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